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  • Sweet Tooth Feminized Seeds - ELITE STRAIN Sweet Tooth Feminized Seeds - ELITE STRAIN

Sweet Tooth Feminized Seeds - ELITE STRAIN

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Sweet Tooth Feminized Seeds (Canuk Seeds) - ELITE STRAIN
Product Name Price Qty
Sweet Tooth FEM ELITE - 3 Seeds
Sweet Tooth FEM ELITE - 7 Seeds

Availability: In stock

Sweet Tooth Feminized Seeds - ELITE STRAIN - A Quick Overview

What is Sweet Tooth Strain?

Sweet Tooth strain is a highly sought-after cannabis strain known for its sweet and fruity flavor profile. This indica-dominant hybrid is the result of crossing Afghani, Nepalese, and Hawaiian strains, resulting in a unique and potent genetic combination.

The Sweet Tooth strain has gained popularity among cannabis enthusiasts for its impressive THC content, ranging from 16% to 19%, which delivers a powerful and long-lasting high. With CBD levels around 2%, this strain offers a balanced experience that can be enjoyed by both recreational users and those seeking therapeutic benefits.

Genetics of Sweet Tooth Strain

The genetics of the Sweet Tooth strain are a blend of Afghani, Nepalese, and Hawaiian strains. These carefully selected parent strains contribute to the unique characteristics and effects of this hybrid.

Afghani brings its relaxing properties and earthy flavors to the mix, while Nepalese adds uplifting effects and an exotic touch. The Hawaiian genetics enhance the overall sweetness and tropical aroma of the strain.

Is Sweet Tooth Strain Indica or Sativa?

Sweet Tooth strain is mostly indica, with some sativa influence. This balance between indica and sativa genetics creates a well-rounded experience that combines relaxation with uplifting effects.

The indica dominance contributes to the strain's calming and soothing effects on both the mind and body. Meanwhile, the sativa influence provides an energizing cerebral buzz that keeps you mentally alert and engaged.

THC and CBD Levels

Sweet Tooth strain boasts impressive THC levels ranging from 16% to 19%. This high THC content ensures a potent psychoactive experience that can induce feelings of happiness, relaxation, and talkativeness.

With CBD levels around 2%, this strain offers a balanced cannabinoid profile.

Appearance, Taste, and Smell of Sweet Tooth Strain

Sweet Tooth strain features dense and resinous buds that are typically light green in color with vibrant orange pistils. The buds are often coated in a thick layer of trichomes, giving them a frosty and sparkling appearance.

When it comes to taste and smell, Sweet Tooth lives up to its name. It has a delightful herbal flavor with hints of floral notes and a distinctive sweetness reminiscent of ripe fruits. The aroma is equally enticing, filling the air with a pleasant blend of herbs and fruity undertones.

Effects of Sweet Tooth Strain

The effects of Sweet Tooth strain are known for their well-rounded nature, offering both physical relaxation and mental stimulation. Upon consumption, users can expect an initial wave of euphoria and happiness that uplifts the mood and promotes sociability.

As the high progresses, the indica side takes over, inducing deep relaxation throughout the body. This calming effect helps melt away stress and tension while promoting a sense of tranquility and serenity.

How to Grow Sweet Tooth Strain

Growing Sweet Tooth strain is a rewarding experience for both novice and experienced cultivators. This feminized photoperiod strain thrives in indoor environments where growers can carefully control the growing conditions.

To achieve optimal results, maintain temperatures between 68-80°F (20-27°C), humidity levels between 40-50%, and provide ample ventilation to prevent mold or mildew issues. The plants have a compact structure and respond well to pruning techniques like topping or LST (low-stress training) to enhance bud production.

How to Germinate Sweet Tooth Strain

To germinate Sweet Tooth seeds, start by placing them in a glass of water for 12-24 hours to soften the shell. Then, transfer the seeds to a damp paper towel and keep them in a warm and dark place.

Check the paper towel regularly to ensure it remains moist. Within 2-7 days, you should see the seeds sprouting roots. Once the roots are about half an inch long, carefully transplant the germinated seeds into small pots with well-draining soil or your chosen growing medium.

Flowering Time of Sweet Tooth Strain

The flowering time of Sweet Tooth strain ranges from 65 to 75 days. During this period, the plants develop dense buds that become increasingly resinous as they mature.

It's essential to monitor trichome development using a magnifying tool like a jeweler's loupe or a microscope. Harvesting at the right moment ensures maximum potency and flavor. Look for cloudy or amber trichomes for optimal results.

Yield of Sweet Tooth Strain

Sweet Tooth strain is known for its generous yields both indoors and outdoors. Indoors, growers can expect an average yield of approximately 1.47 ounces per square foot (450 grams per square meter).

Outdoors, under ideal conditions, each plant can produce around 19 ounces (550 grams). Ensure your outdoor environment provides ample sunlight, good airflow, and proper nutrition to maximize yields.

How to Store Your Sweet Tooth Feminized Seeds?

To preserve the quality and viability of your Sweet Tooth feminized seeds, store them in a cool, dark, and dry place. Airtight containers, such as glass jars or sealed bags, can help protect the seeds from moisture and light.

Make sure to label the container with the strain name and date of storage to maintain organization. Properly stored seeds can remain viable for several years, allowing you to save them for future growing projects.

Buy Sweet Tooth Feminized Seeds

If you're looking to buy Sweet Tooth feminized seeds, look no further than Canuk Seeds. We offer high-quality cannabis seeds that are carefully selected and bred to ensure exceptional genetics and consistent results.

Please note these cannabis seeds are available for sale only in Canada and USA.

Seedbank Canuk Seeds
Sex Feminized
Variety Mostly Indica
Strain Genetics Afghani x Nepalese x Hawaiian
Flowering Type Photoperiod
Flowering Time 65 - 75 days
Where to Grow Indoors, Greenhouse, Outdoors
Taste / Flavor Floral, Fruity, Herbal
Effect Happy, Relaxing, Talkative
Plant Height 4.92 ft | 1.5 m
CBD Content 2.00%
THC Content 16% - 19%
Yield Indoors: 1.47 oz/ft² | 450 gr/m²; Outdoors: 19 oz/plant | 550 gr/plant
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